The time has come to let all you guys down gently, yes? We are breaking up with the patriarchy and sliding over into the matriarchy, and Female Led Relationships (FLRs) are on the way to being the norm instead of the exception. There are some pretty persuasive reasons why female led relationships are preferrable to a male led relationships, so let’s get into it by analyzing each respective gender in terms of their ability to thrive without the other, as heard on KINKology: the psychology of kink podcast. Listen to the full episode of KINKology: A Case for Female Led Relationships- A Tale of Two Outcomes



I want to set the stage by examining two hypotheticals-

Let’s start by imaging that, for some mysterious reason, all the men disappeared in a flash, or whatever the case may be. So, what happens to the remainder of the human race? Well, interestingly enough… women would basically just continue propagating the species, without men, and without skipping a beat. We have enough ball batter popsicles to make as many new people as we want to without men. Additionally, we are well on our way to creating sperm from bone marrow, and then we can fully make men superfluous to the species altogether. Women would begin repopulating almost immediately- there would probably be women in labor minutes after the vanishing occurred, if we are being honest. As far as what would happen to the men if all the women disappeared, well, it’s not good fellas. 


Let’s look at the impact by this list of theoretical outcomes if men simply… disappeared:


ONE: End of War 


Intelligent Phone Sex Calls Ms Becky 1-800-601-6975 War ends Female Led RelationshipI believe, Day 1, that the women of the world would immediately, without fanfare or haste, end every single war. Now this isn’t a dreamy eyed look at women as being sweet and innocent creatures who abhor violence- matter of fact, I’m known around Enchantrix Empire as an avid sadist who enjoys a little sensual violence now and then and always. No, this is because women are nothing if not pragmatic and they are used to taking care of our own, yeah? Women would end war simply for the fact that we would recognize that the world is in crisis, our nation’s, our communities, that we are in crisis- as much as I joke that this would be no biggie, were it to actually happen, we would lose like 49% of the world’s population in one fell swoop (please note: even in population stats, women are superior to men, LOL). The world would be in crisis and I am not engaging in hyperbole here when I saw I think war would end almost immediately. The first matter of business for the women would be to look at our resources and figure out how to divvy up the work that needs to be done so that the people we care about were stabilized.


As far as the reasons that we keep having wars- like, please tell me y’all see the same trend I do. Most wars are simply a matter of someone (a man, if course) wanting to jack someone else’s property, land, resources, etc , or someone (usually a man) is fearing that someone (a fucking man, most likely) having a fear that someone else (a fucking man) will jack their property, land, resources, etc. I mean, sometimes you can have a case where the problem is said stuff has already been jacked, and thus begins the pattern of petty and vindictive revenges and injustices and whatnot.


Mind you, let’s take a moment and recognize this as a hugely simplistic model of war, and that I am not going to go into a deep analysis of the causes of war in post modernism Western societies right here, right now. Also please know that on a very sincere level I am deeply crushed by any innocent being harmed, and that I am not intending to make light of this aspect of human suffering. I am just trying to point out that if we were to point fingers, it should be at men. Getting back to the motives of war, in my lighthearted-not-to-be-taken-too-seriously way as it’s an analogy, not Ms Becky’s dick, right, subby? And keep in mind, this is not a case of me advocating for disappearing all the men- it’s a case of me advocating for Female Led Relationships.

Well, when women are in charge, I don’t think those traditional themes will play out the same way. I think women are much more likely to truly assess the cost of war and prioritize creating mutually beneficial relationships that meet the needs of our communities. So once again, this is not to say that women can’t scorch the earth, because I am pretty sure its been said somewhere that we can (tongue firmly in cheek). This is about the ways that women seek to take care of our own (building communities, relationship based, discussion based, high emotional IQ) versus how men seek to take care of their own (conquering, taking, power based, dominance based, low emotional IQ). One of them is just more likely to result in wars, and I think I’ve painted a good enough picture here that even the sissy bimbo girls could follow along and guess which party that may be, yes?


TWO: Violence and Crime 


Intelligent Phone Sex Calls Ms Becky 1-800-601-6975 Happy womenNow this is closely related to war, but a little closer to home. Let’s talk violence and crime, shall we? For the purposes of simplification, I am not going to get too far out here with citing statistical information, but you truly have to be dumber than a bag of dicks to not know that the lion’s share of violent crime is committing by men, both against women and against men. Yall are our greatest natural predators, you know that, right? Don’t worry- I am out here in these streets evening up the score as we speak, LOL. But seriously, I would be shocked (and tbh, more than a little judgy) to find out that some here thought that women committed more crime than men. From day one of men being disappeared, women’s life expectancy would shoot up. Our overall quality of life as it relates to violent crime would drastically increase and our injuries and assaults would bottom out harder than my cock in your ass. From the jump- crime would all but cease to be a huge societal issue that would require mass incarceration (not to say that this is necessary now, b/c I don’t believe that it is). But in my hypothetical little man-free world, I speculate that most crime would center around what we commonly think of as the civil and resolving disputes between neighbors’ type of thing over the crime we see today, in our manful world.


THREE: Resource Management 


Intelligent Phone Sex Calls Ms Becky 1-800-601-6975 Construction ladiesAnd to all of my big manly men perverse men who may be out there stalking my page just so I can hurt your feelings, I got you. I know exactly what you are thinking. Who is going to do all the big burly men type of jobs, the construction, the blah, blah blah…. To that I say, the machines. We are going to get the machines to do it for us, the same way we had you big dummies do it for us the first time around. I jest, I jest- don’t tell any of my subbies, but I actually have fond feelings for you crazy ass fuckers, but we are still going to smash the patriarchy, lol. But here’s the thing- we have never been better positioned to shove off the majority of our work to the machines, and honestly, if we can, why the fuck wouldn’t we? This notion that we have to have menial jobs or else we will spiral to our slovenly end as a species seems wildly fear based, paranoid, and smacks of masculine sensitivities, if you will. Just sounds a little hysterical, darling. Sorry. But if and when it came down to it, and my dream-… or rather… this hypothetical I mean- what would happen is that we would assess what labor is needed to keep up going, learn to let go of what takes up too many resources, and find a way to get our needs met. Listen, I know women who feed households of 5 on less than minimum wage in America…. these bitches are innovative, friends. We would figure it the fuck out, I promise you.


FOUR: Propagation of the human race


Intelligent Phone Sex Calls Ms Becky 1-800-601-6975 I canAs hinted at in the introduction, this one is a no brainer (more good news for the bimbos!). We would just do it without you. Like, we actually don’t need you to do it, we can just pluck y’all right out of the human race and keep right on trucking. Bet you never thought about it like that before, didya? Well, you should start. Right now, we would have to content ourselves with those ball batter popsicles that we have stored all over this overblown beach ball. But soon, subby, very, very soon, we will soon be able to produce sperm (your entire contribution to the human race) from bone matter. Hey, guess who has bone marrow? Girls do, don’t they? All by themselves, we have all the ingredients necessary to create little bite sized humans… without you. At this particular point in time, we have created “primitive, immature” sperm from bone marrow. But women are able to do this without men, altogether, and could start moving forward come Day 1. Wow, did it sound like I was trying to pitch a plan there. Yeah, that’s sooo weird…


FIVE: Quality of Life


Quality of Life- So there’s probably a lot of other outcomes I could touch on, but I will leave it here. And this may be a bit hard to hear, so if you don’t like it gentlemen, just pretend not to hear it like you always do when women bring up valid criticism of your behavior. From a quality-of-life standpoint, men makes women’s lives harder. I am so sorry if this was the first you you’ve heard of this, but men do not make woman’s lives easier by and large.


All this to say, if men were to be removed from the species in the flash of a second, women would continue fucking and sucking (and cumming- *stares at you in disappointment*) and making new humans and loving and laughing and… yes, probably cooking and sewing and cleaning, cause who tf else is going to do it?



What Would Happen If We Removed Women From the Species?


ONE: Extinction


Intelligent Phone Sex Calls Ms Becky 1-800-601-6975 Mass extinction aheadWell let’s just start at the beginning, or in this case the end. Human beings would have about 100 years, tops, as a species before dying out with a whimper. Because whereas men’s role in procreation is fairly simple to replicate (see #4 above), but women’s role is absolutely impossible to replicate outside of the female body. So, from Day 1, the clock is running down to eventual extinction, and eventually as in- within most men on earth’s lifetime. Men are utterly dependent on women propagating the species, which alone establishes that men are the weaker of the sexes.


TWO: Declining Mental Health 


Intelligent Phone Sex Calls Ms Becky 1-800-601-6975 Men is stupid Female Led RelationshipSo, the men who are left on earth, if all the women disappeared, would be living with the knowledge that their entire species was going to end, right? That pervasive sense of hopelessness would be present at all times, and color all decisions, I would think. Additionally, men have traditionally taken a lot of comfort, found a lot of peace in a women’s arms (and I don’t just mean sexually here). The nourishing, caring, loving presence of women would be removed, and since men aren’t fucking socialized to be caretakers, to possess like… ANY emotional IQ or insight, the collective mental health of mankind would be absolutely dire almost immediately.



THREE: Deficiencies in Caretaking 


Intelligent Phone Sex Calls Ms Becky 1-800-601-6975 Living in filthAnd it’s not only in regard to their emotions that they are deficient as care takers- but most have little to no experience in managing the household, taking care of the home and all of it inhabitants, completing simple, basic tasks that every single adult should be able to do, right? They would live in filth, keep their homes, bodies, and offspring filthy, and have a very poor quality of life.



FOUR: Crime and Violence 


Intelligent Phone Sex Calls Ms Becky 1-800-601-6975 Mens fighting Female led relationshipThe good news is that most of them won’t have to worry about that for long at all, will they? Because, in the absence of women and their care, without the mitigating factors that women bring to the table helping to control the baser of yalls horrible instincts- I imagine that the first order of business for some is to figure out how to jack other people’s stuff, their land, their wealth, whatever and how to eliminate them, yes? I pretty much think that most of the collective brain power of the masculine would be put to new ways to steal, maim, harm and ultimately eliminate each other. Which again, either way, humanity ends without women in a matter of decades.


Honestly, I could flesh this metaphor out a bit more… but do I even need to? I really think that the stark difference between the two scenarios is readily evident to any who possess an iota of intellectual integrity, yes? If men disappeared, women would be safer, live longer, have easier lives with less work, and just continue to propagate the species without skipping a beat. If women were to disappear, the human species would end in less than 8 decades or so, and those decades would be spent in war, filth and misery. That said, why is it that we have traditionally opted for Male Led Relationships over Female Led Relationships, given that it’s fairly obvious who has the leadership advantage here? 



So Ms Becky is just a mean old man hater, right?


Intelligent Phone Sex Calls Mistress Becky (800) 601-6975 I make boys cryActually, no. Not at all. Some of you may be very surprised to hear that, considering how into CBT that I am, right? But I want to assure you, I absolutely love men. I adore men. I care about you, you warm the cockles of my cold dead heart, and I don’t actually want to disappear y’all (most day, at least). I respect the utility of men, truly I do! I like to use you guys over and over and over again. I think the men have a ton of beautiful gifts… especially the big, cocked boys. I really like y’all sooooo much, lol. I just do not think that y’all excel in terms of relationships, social skills, compassion, or like… leadership. I’m sorry if this hurts your feelings, but I’ll show you the truth of my words in the coming months, I promise. Women are simply better leaders and Female Led Relationships are simply better dynamics.




Female Led Relationships & Leadership


In the Battel of the Sexes, there is one clear winner in terms of leadership. The qualities that men are often praised for- lack of emotionality, strength, calmness actually smack more of inability to recognize or process emotions and dissociation. Also, quick note, gentlemen- especially the ones who are so proud of the fact that they aren’t “emotional like a chick or led around by their emotions”. Did y’all know that rage and anger… are fucking emotions? Yeah, crazy right???

The above aforementioned qualities also are not great qualities to have in order to create thriving communities or relationships. The brute force of men is needed not because the selfishness or threat of humankind… no, the brute force of men is needed simply to protect against… the fucking brute force of men!!! How many times do we hear about how y’all “protect” women…. Real question- what are you protecting us against, exactly? Is it hordes of mountain lions coming down from the mountain that y’all are protecting us from? Nah? What is it? Oh, IS IT MEN? Yeah, exactly. I actually want to share a little juicy tidbit from the world of humanitarian aid that can help really land this point home. Are you aware that a lot of food programs work directly with women or work to ensure that women receive funds or supplies directly, over giving it to the men. And do you have any idea why that would be? Because when you give the resources to a woman to take care of her household, her household thrives. When you give it to the man, the man thrives… maybe. Honestly, I think even that is a bit of a stretch. That money is likely to be spent at a bar or on a woman not of their household, if you get my drift. So, when we want to assure that an entire household is taken care of, we ensure that resources are given to the leader who will make sure all members of the household are cared for… and it’s typically not men. Female Led Households thrive, just as much as Female Led Relationships do.

Intelligent Phone Sex Calls Ms Becky 1-800-601-6975 Two outcomes pic Female Led Relationships

As promised, this is basically just scratching the surface- examining female led relationships from the perspective of who actually needs the other more, who benefits more, and sorry not sorry, who contributes more to our species. As you can see I have A LOT to say on this issue, and you can expect to hear more from me on this subject, especially seeing as how I didn’t actually even touch upon FLRs and the relationship dynamic when women are empowered to lead to way y’all KNOW we should be.

Well, I hope I didn’t hurt y’all’s feelings too much, but also, it needed to be said, didn’t it? Letting you guys believe that your “leadership” has been successful seems genuinely dangerous, and its about time that women take the helm to right the ship, yes? You guys can just sit there and look pretty, yeah?

Also, please check out this episode of KINKology: the psychology of kink podcast, which features a reading by Ms Becky of “Marrying into Femdom Culture” as posted by Asslover88 on Literotica. This is a fantastic example of Female Led Relationships, as well as a very sexy series altogether. Both the full-length episode and the stand alone erotica are located below.  
Ms Becky 1 800 601 6975 Intelligent phone sex calls FLD Tale of two outcomes KINKology_FLR

Listen to the full episode of KINKology








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