You just came from Ms. Brigthons Post The Christmas Fairy Gives The Gift Of Self Fellatio Now enjoy my story
Ms Becky gets a Christmas Surprise
Oh Happy Day! I want to share with you what a spectacular Christmas surprise I found in my Christmas stocking this year. Why, I found my very own tiny pet tiny man in my Christmas stocking! I woke up early yesterday so excited about my presents- I do so love presents! And this year, I had the foresight to visit that fat fuck and give him a VERY good reason to not slack off on my gifts this year! And do you know what? I must have scared the Beejesus out of that jolly giant bitch, because he left my very own anatomically correct pet tiny man!!!! He is only 6″ tall, though he says 6.5 “almost 7″ and he insists that that is a very respectful size… but between you and me, I measured him and 6” was pretty generous.
Ms Becky Explores Her New Pet Tiny Man
He has what may have been a nice penis on a regular sized man, but on my tiny man it looks so tiny, so itty bitty that it is positively adorable! To his absolute mortification, the very first thing I did was strip down my new pet tiny man and take off all his clothes!!!! Do you really blame me? I wanted to see what kind of parts a man that small has, you know? You’d do the same, I know you would. Anyways, he got soooo red and embarrassed. It was so funny. He wiggled and squirmed and blushed, but he’s my tiny man! I get to see what he looks like, right?
I tickled his tiny tiny man cock with my finger, and gently prodded his other hole with my finger, just to see what he would do. I lifted his arms, and his legs, bent him back and forth. I even put that tiny man in my mouth to taste him! He was crying at the end, so I made him up a little shoebox bed- until I can get him a Barbie’s Dream house or something more permanent for him to reside. I wrapped him up- burrito style because he wouldn’t stop flailing about and how is my pet tiny man going to get any sleep whilst flailing about like that. So I wrapped him up all tightly so his arms couldn’t move and got him settled in his new bed, closing the lid to his little, tiny man screams to please, please not to lock him in the box.
Ms Becky’s & Tiny Man’s First Feeding
But wouldn’t you know it, when I opened the box, my new pet tiny man was sound asleep, all tuckered out from the morning’s festivities. But my poor tiny man must be sooo hungry! I dont know what tiny men like to eat, nor if they can digest real people. So I took our Christmas lunch- ham and potatoes, spinach and corn with some yummy apple cranberry Danishes- and put it in a blender to prepare a bottle for my tiny man. Having become a tiny man owner just this morning, I haven’t been able to procure any silverware yet- why, its still just Christmas afternoon. I borrowed a bottle from a neighbor and blended up all that delicious, nutritious meal for my branding spanking new tiny man- not that he appreciated my efforts. He screwed his little face up and tried to close his lips, but I just broke his lips apart with my fingers and poured it down his throat. But he calmed and settled and drank up his entire Christmas lunch!
Ms Becky’s New Pet Tiny Man Settles into His New Life
I would say the nap did the trick because my new tiny man stopped shaking like a leaf and seemed much less distressed. He appeared to be beginning to understand that he was mine, he was MY Christmas gift, I own him now and that I would love him and hug him and take care of him however I wanted to. I am being so sweet with my tiny man right now, knowing how scared the wee little man was right now, but he wouldnt want to see me angry, that much I know. Its best that new brand new pet tiny man get used to my ownership of him now, and he seemed to be settling in quite admirably. Gosh, my pet tiny man is so brave!
The rest of the afternoon into the evening involved me dressing up my tiny man in all the fun clothes he came with, showing him around his new home, picking out his Barbie dream house online, and getting him settled into his new home. He did require one spanking, and he cried and cried but you have to believe me it was for his own good. Tiny man had tried to run away while all the real adults and grown people were stomping around the room. They could have squashed my new pet tiny man!!! So it was important that tiny man learned there are consequences for his actions. From the way he carried on, I dont think he will be trying that again anytime soon. Geez, what a drama queen my new tiny man is.
I will keep you posted on how my tiny man is doing over the next year! I am so thankful that Santa Claus learned the error of his ways when I disciplined Santa’s Sack and brought me this sweet gift.
The End… For Now.
Continue to enjoy the Holiday Blog Train with Ms. Daphnes Hanukkah Wax Play
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Ms. Becky’s Blog
Awww, thanks Sissy Belinda!
Ms Becky, This is so amazing, so many powerful ladies. I just wish i had a cock you all to…
Me too. Let this by the Year of Femdom & Cock Control! Thank you for bringing some sunshine round my…
OMG I love this so hard! You lovely ladies are the reason I smile daily, and so many reasons to…
I love that!!!! And I second the motion on this being a great fucking year!!!!