The 8 Pillars of Gynarchy are based on the book “The Pillars of Gynarchy” by Viola Voltairine and was featured on the 5/17/24 episode of KINKology by the same name. I highly recommend that you check out the entire episode of KINKology: The Pillars of Gynarchy, as the following passage represents a segment of the full episode.
Gynarchy Defined
Viola Voltairine defined gynarchy as “a parallel existence with its own rules. An underground religion with its own rites and moral guidelines- one that combines the kinky sexuality of the FemDom with the social and political fire of feminism and the spiritual zeal of Goddess worship and witchcraft.” She furthermore states that “women are natural leaders and rulers and that men can find unmatched fulfillment in supporting, serving, and pleasing us, allowing us to guide and direct them”. I would go as far to say that our society is based on women’s rule of the household, with women directing and guiding all members of the household accordingly, yes? The food you eat, the clothes you wear, the appointments and schedules and birthday reminders and celebrations- these are traditionally very much ruled over by women. Now, gynarchy is a combination of two word roots- gyn which means women, and anarchy, which means “the organization of society on the basis of voluntary cooperation, without political institutions and hierarchal government”.
Gynarchy Explained
So now let’s really let that sink in- Viola is very clear about her version of gynarchy being a fully consensual, fully voluntary society, which is powered by the hearts and minds of women. Now, boys and girls, tell me this- would you ever hear that ish out of the patriarchy’s mouth? I fucking think not! This isn’t about taking men’s faces and rubbing it into the dirt, as fun as that would be, and as much as they may collectively deserve it. No, this is about placing the most qualified leaders in the best positions for them, and for the betterment of society, and each of us using our skills and abilities to contribute. It fucking turns out that we are better suited for leadership- in a few ways we have already discussed and will continue to fully flesh out- and this arrangement also utilizes the skills men are best suited for- loving, supporting, caring for and protecting women. At the core, the masculine energy is at its best when it is truly loving the feminine. But also, I want to again draw attn to the very distinct manner of leadership being proposed over the type of leadership weak ass pussy boy men are truly afraid we will want and the type of leadership actually being proposed. Men like that think women are going to lead the way men lead, which is the fucking reason we need men to lead.
Let’s also distinguish something really quickly about anarchism, well specifically, nonhierarchical societies and what that would look like. I am not here to try to convince you guys that anarchy is the way to go in terms of govt- I have my own doubts that we are ready for such an undertaking- but I will say this: I recognize a society based on voluntaryism as a more ideal condition than what we currently have, and think as human beings progress, we should be working towards achieving something like that. Not sure we are quite there yet- but then again, we also aren’t currently in a gynarachy and if something was going to spur us towards that idealized version of society, its women in power.
In terms of why not a completely egalitarian society- honestly, I am not going to spend any more time on this other that to read her quote- as it really is the perfect response to that question
“What if? What if patriarchy had created a harmonious world? What if when men were in charge, we all had a life of ease and abundance rather than constant survival stress for the majority, while a small percentage lived in luxury? What if under patriarchy there was no war or senseless violence? No horrors of mass destruction or genocide? What if under the patriarchy the vulnerable were protected instead of bullied or hunted? What if men harnessed resources in a way that worked in concert with nature rather than causing environmental damage? What if women were safe and cherished under patriarchy and could walk the streets topless and free without harassment or attack? What if patriarchy really was life supporting rather than conquering, colonizing, and exploitative? Why did it have to go in the opposite direction? Why did men fuck it up so badly? And having failed so miserably as a group, why would we ever trust them to have even 50% of the power and authority over our lives?
Now she mentions a lot about fairness- which is a valid consideration, right? Men hoarded power to themselves for a millennium and now they wants to do even stevens and retain 50% of the very power they have already abused? That seems pretty convenient for men, yes? But truthfully, that isn’t my primary concern at all. My primary concern is advancing society to the place in which we can share power with men, and they can responsibly use it. I view Gynarchy as a steppingstone to true equality and egalitarian society based on voluntaryism without hierarchy. Now, I will try to explain this a little bit more- in case the bimbos are trying to follow along. I don’t necessarily believe that men are stupider, less moral, stupider, or less capable than women because of their DNA, per se- I think that the patriarchy has dumbed them down, made them fearful, pathetic creatures who hoard power like the little gremlin from LOTR- you know the one “my precious, my precious”. I dont think this is an irreversible condition in mankind- I think its socialized and socialized within the species kinda- its infested the male species, somewhat. I think women are needed to get us to the next stage, where the men can be… re-educated, reformed and redeemed over the next couple of centuries. Then, once that happens, we can talk, right? I do still think that regardless of before that ideal society can be achieved AND after, there are certain tasks women are better suited for, including diplomacy, emotional intelligence, communication skills, compassion, etc.
The Pillars of Gynarchy
So now, let’s talk about the pillars of Gynarchy, as outlined by Viola Voltairine.
Pillar #1: Consent
“There is no legitimate authority except that to which you consent to with open eyes and an open heart”- The Pillars of Gynarchy
Coercive control and oppression is the way of the patriarchy, not the gynarchy. Within a gynarchy, authenticity is valued over conformity, and power is sought through informed consent. “Imposed power is the disease of the ruling class, unconvinced of its own authority.” Isn’t that a powerful quote? And I think its one of the reasons that the patriarchy has always been such a brutal force, right? Its brutal because the only power that it has at its core is stolen power. And women don’t need to lead like that- and we know that its false power and that the power is so much sweeter, for all of us, when it is freely and enthusiastically given.
Pillar #2: Bodily Autonomy
Bodily Autonomy is rather a distant cousin of consent. And of course, bodily autonomy would be featured pretty high on the do list of any self-respecting Gynarchy, if only to counteract the patriarchy’s unending obsession with controlling the bodies of women. The idea of any human being “entitled” to our very bodies is in stark opposition to Viola’s gynarchy. And she further discusses how this autonomy, in an expansive sense, is also the preferred state over anyone… or thing… that limits our ability to self-govern according to our highest selves. Yes, the gynarchy’s autonomy includes autonomy over our vices, addictions, fears, whatever limits us from achieving our highest, most aligned lives.
Pillar #3: Collaboration
So, listen, there may be some kneejerk reactions coming up, and I caution you against closing your heart and mind to the possibilities if we simply handed the reins over to the most suitable leaders. It’s not lost on me that it’s *this* particular bullet point is the anticipated bone of contention and not the way I’ve been talking smack about men, but people take exception to anything less than a full throttled deep throating of the societal boot, yes?
But here it is- collaboration is a superior way to motivate society than competition is. I think that competition has brought us a long way- I do. I think it may have been a pretty galvanizing force in our history- but I still think we would be more advanced, in thriving societies, had we progressed in a collaborative vs competitive manner.
Author of Designing Regenerative Cultures, Dr Daniel Christian Wahl said “If we Homo sapiens want to continue our fascinating, yet so far relatively short, evolutionary success story, we have to evolve wise societies characterized by empathy, solidarity, and collaboration. Wise cultures are regenerative and protect bio-cultural diversity as a source of wealth and resilience.”.
Now behaviorally there’s a lot of evidence that women behave in more collaborative manners, and one of the reasons is that women produce more Oxytocin than our inferior counterparts, the oxytocin deficient men- resulting in more compassionate, empathetic, social and loving interactions and ways of being.
“We found showing sensitivity and concern for others—stereotypically feminine traits—made someone less likely to be seen as a leader,” says Emily Grijalva, assistant professor of organization and human resources. “However, it’s those same characteristics that make leaders effective. Thus, because of this unconscious bias against communal traits, organizations may unintentionally select the wrong people for leadership roles, choosing individuals who are loud and confident but lack the ability to support their followers’ development and success.”
And I want to let you know, I do not believe that it is just a coincidence that the patriarchy has sought to devalue any traits associated with femininity. Emotions are viewed as a sign of weakness, managing the household an expectation and unpaid labor while a man’s work is highly compensated, the gender wage gap that essentially boils down to a 30% lifetime reduction of wages associated with women who procreate and, you know, advance the fucking species singlehandedly, other than that one moment where you cum. Hey guess how much the job of advancing the species pays? Guess what some of the lowest paying jobs are? Caretaking roles, teachers, nurses, service industry- traditionally female dominated ones, yes? What’s the worst thing you can call a boy? A girl, right? And that’s how we got in this fucking dumpster fire in 2024, too, isn’t it boys?
Pillar #4: Abundance
The concept of scarcity is what ignites competition, right? And abundance diminishes it, right? Thats how those “participation trophies” worked, huh? By diluting the scarcity of them- by giving them to everyone? “Patriarchal capitalism invented artificial scarcity”– planned obsolesce is one of the terms associated with this artificial scarcity. For example, the average lightbulb lasted 2,500 hours when they first came out- until 1924 according to our pals at wiki, when a global corporation literally cut its hours in half- so you would have to buy more, sooner, yeah? Its why stores slash up their unused or damaged clothing and goods, why restaurants will bleach unused food. Do you understand that there are heaping mounds of perfectly operational, working electronics, furniture, food, etc all deliberately kept out of circulation in order to boost profits? The US pays about $20 billion dollars per year in agricultural subsidies, a huge portion of those designed to pay people to NOT grow certain products, because it turns out the availability of food is bad news for the elites and its better for them if we have a food scarcity, or at least not food abundance, right?
A report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which found hunger in the U.S. rose sharply in 2022. “The report found that 44.2 million people lived in households that had difficulty getting enough food to feed everyone in 2022, up from 33.8 million people the year prior. This is the same country who pays billions of dollars to ensure we don’t grow too much food, right?
Quick note on what a billion actually is- so we can scale it in our minds. If I was going to give you one dollar every single second, it would take me roughly 11 days to hand you a million dollars. If I were to hand you a billion dollars, one dollar each second, it would take me roughly 32 years. Honestly, I cannot tell a lie- that scaling exercise fucking radicalized me, lol.
Nestle’s CEO, years ago, famously said he didn’t believe that water should be free, and it’s not even smack talk- this fucker was buying up water sources oversees with big dreams of having people privately own water- because abundance and availability are bad news in patriarchal capitalism. We are the only species that ever would deliberately waste our resources for profit, squander them, especially needed ones. And I cannot help but to believe that if we are to advance as a species, this is one thing that we have to do better. And we do live in a world of abundance. We actually don’t have a food shortage, a resources shortage- we have a distribution problems and compassion shortage. We could receive energy from the sun, wind, and water for a fraction of what we pay now, and once we build the infrastructures, we could almost eliminate most costs associated with this. We have raw materials to build shelters, as do any other species that walk this planet, right?
Abundance is our birthright. Scarcity is the lie told to us for the financial betterment of others, because it’s convenient to those who want to use our needs against us.
And I will end our discussion of abundance with a quick quote from Viola herself “And before the words leave your lips, this is not Marxism, this is gynarchy. Don’t make the mistake of giving a man credit for what women have always known. Think of a woman’s breasts, so naturally filling with all the sustenance needed to feed the being that she grew within her. Women are naturally regenerative and sustainable. Our bodies are abundance personified”
Pillar #5: Networks
So rather than a hierarchical power-hungry society ran by pussy ass men, Viola discusses the concept of a network as a “way of organizing life horizontally, with multiple connecting points, not as a top-heavy pyramid” which is how power is distributed in patriarchal societies. The networks in Gynarchy exemplify the interconnectedness that women inherently create. Networks are able to expand and contract as needed, remaining responsive and connected throughout. They focus on inclusion, integration, not separation and division. She uses the concepts of fungus and trees to illustrate this- which is admittedly fascinating information. Its called the woodwide web– a social network of trees underground that is about 500 million years old that basically connects all the trees and fungus together. By the way, the woodwide web was not what I pictured when I originally encountered this concept, dirty little pervert that I am.
Pillar #6: The Hive
Viola calls the individual nodes that make up the networks the gynarchy will operate under the hive. Bees have existed 5x longer than us Homo sapiens. Now if you know anything about bees, you’ll recall that they are structured around a queen. Now, despite the fact that the bees are organized around the queen, there isn’t a lot of power differences within the hive. There are no haves and have nots in the bee world. There are no starving bees- unless the entire hive is starving. They exemplify interconnectedness and share a common destiny with each other. Each bee has an essential job to do and therefore each bee is a part of something bigger than themselves… and indispensable to the community in that way. Queen bees are not power hungry, greedy beings who rule with a corrupt vision- they work towards a unifying and thriving society. The hives set up within the gynarchy would operate in such a way as well. If you move a queen from the hive, all the bees follow, right? So our gynarchial hives would be organized in a similar fashion. Qualified leaders who have a unifying vision for their own little node within the network can lead at the helm within each hive.
Viola suggests “Each woman who wishes to lead makes herself known and gathers others around her who will live to serve her unifying vision. She provides the purpose and the focus around which others can contribute their efforts in their individual roles. And the Queens job is to provide authority- that is, to be the author of the story and the designed of the shape of her community, and to connect and communicate with the other queens to share knowledge and resources.”
Pillar #7: Conflict Management
Well, I can just about hear the bothersome men talking about “how this would be all well and good in times of peace, but what of war??? What happens when people want your XYZ and the weak wimmins can’t stop them!!!” Well first of all you utter jackasses, if you’ll remember from A Tale of Two Outcomes, most wars are related to men’s aggression, their poor behavior that needs to conquer over collaborate. So the emotional intelligence possessed by women gives us the obvious advantage in resolving conflict peacefully. High emotional IQ seeks to win people over, not stomp them in the ground and put our boots on their necks- one of these ways will result in converts, the other in enemies. Having built our gynarchy on the basis of our pillars of consent and bodily autonomy, much of today’s conflicts would be naturally avoided with no further action needed. Because we are a network, and not a static border, having individuals in our proximity that don’t adhere to our way of life is simply accepted- no “assimilation” necessary.
The game plan outlined by Viola seems fairly effective as a long-term approach to conflict- essentially, the queen bees can use their networks to seek counsel and advice, share resources, and most importantly, to gather witnesses and consolidate support. Bullies fear exposure, right? Then we could apply the same emotional IQ principles as we would use in interpersonal conflict- make sure the parties are fully understood, empathize, explore underlying motivations, mitigate any factors or stressors that could diffuse the situation, find and create allies from within the enemy’s camp, etc. Basically, act as if you have the good of your communities at the heart of your actions instead of your own fucking ego. Women are naturally strategic, and of course that’s labeled as manipulative within patriarchal standards. But women play the smart game, not the aggression game… and guess which one yields better results in the conflict management game???
Pillar #8: Feminine as Divine
There is no way to experience life without doing so through the body of a woman. That is a godlike level of power, yes? The concept of a male god never quite sat right with me- each person alive was created by a woman, yes?
“When the feminine is acknowledged as divine- as the source- women are protected, cherished, and sacred. They are central to life’s meaning. They are powerful, their will to create unhampered. Harmony and beauty exist for all when the force of creation is not blocked or locked away. We cultivate abundance. When the feminine is maligned both men and women suffer. Power turns perverse and anxious. Fear, competition, and comparison are used to control. Fingers pointed at anyone who lives fearlessly and doesn’t conform as the source of all woes. There is nothing left to do but conquer and hoard in an attempt to relieve anxiety, to serve the need to feel that man’s existence is justified and important. he becomes disconnected from the source, lost in struggle. The patriarchal man may be terrified of hell, though he himself has created it for himself and for those around him.”
Special thanks to Viola Voltairine for writing such an inspirational book!
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The best part of this is how it is the companion piece to the Kinkology podcast. I don’t have to jot down notes, or relisten to find a reference, remember a term, or miss a detail. As for this episode, I love thought experiments on the way things could be. There can’t be a right or wrong (other than the Mistress is always right), because it is exaclty the process of creating and imagining the world as it could be.
The concept of the World Wide Wood, is also intriguing.
Thank you for the thought provoking, titillating, informative podcast every week.
Thank you for swinging by with some kind words of encouragement! I appreciate your appreciation, lol. I really do enjoy the show and finding new and interesting things to share with you every week!
God this is such an amazing article and there’s not much to say about it other than to agree. Anyone who thinks a bit about the current situation has to admit that something has to change from the ground up. The current system hasn’t worked and it’s clear that we need something new, based on the principles of a woman’s perspective. I totally agree that there is enough of everything in the world, there is no scarcity, it is artificially created by stupid male greed. We as a humanity should understand that happiness lies in something other than possessions. I am an optimist and I believe that there are better times ahead and I believe you women because your hearts are more open. Men need to learn from you how to open their hearts. I think that’s the key.
Thank you amazing Mistress Becky for your beautiful article. I love reading you and listening to your podcasts!
Casandra! I knew you would get it! You are such a delight, sweet sissy girl <3! And yes, even on my darkest day, I live by the belief that we are getting better every day, that tomorrow will be better than today, and that human beings have never been safer, richer, or better off at any point in history. We humans have an upward trajectory- always!
Mistress Becky, I’m so happy my comment didn’t get lost. You always write in such a beautiful, wise and exciting way. I love it, I love your optimism, I love it when I can make you happy!
You are amazing!
Thank you for your response!
You are really so sweet! I love your comments- keep em coming! XO- Becky